Extra Large Western Area Rugs

Rugs Western Massachusetts

This nursery displays a style that is much more sophisticated than those in many adult bedrooms. For interesting art or fun details like this goose lamp, simple gray walls make a great backdrop. Southwestern-style throws use rich colors like orange and pink. This small kitchen and dining space features ruddy tones paired with creamy whites, creating a warm but natural feel. Even though the farmhouse sink, Spanish tiles backsplash and distressed wood cabinets all look white, they bring visual interest to this corner.

Western Carpets

Are you ready to decorate your home? You might consider western-themed furniture. Your Western Decor has all the furniture you need to create rustic decor in your home. You will find western decor that will make your home feel warm and natural. Although there are many styles of rustic decor, there are certain common traits. Our rustic furniture is made from natural materials like wood and canvas. The furniture often appears unfinished or reclaimed. These characteristics give rustic decor items a warm, homey feel that modern design can't match.

South Western Area Rugs

Although the Santa Fe historic home was renovated in 1989, many architectural details remain intact, such as the original heavy wood doors and beams that lead to the foyer. The large, sun-washed rug adds warmth to the Old World style and softens the floors. The Santa Fe breakfast nook has a lot of character thanks to the clay artwork, painted wall decals, and a paisley printed banquette. The room is kept warm by an adobe fireplace in the corner.

Fine Western Rugs

Fine Western Rugs

Western style is all about colorful textiles. The room can be decorated with city views without needing traditional wall art. This space is a blend of Southern and Western style. Sarah Moore, Sarah Catherine Design designer says that she wanted to transform an old barn into a farmhouse so my client could host family and friends. "We used bolder accents such as an iron bed, bamboo shades and a vintage chest to counter the white shiplap walls in this bedroom. It feels like a farmhouse cabin, with the natural light and bright walls.

Rugs with Western Brands

We believe it is important to do what is right. Our workers are given fair compensation and work in well-maintained warehouses. Our company maintains strict environmentally-friendly procedures to ensure we do not contribute waste to landfills. Our southwestern-inspired rugs combine the beauty of America's Southwest with the rugged charm of the cowboy. It is the perfect mix of luxury and comfort as well as style and durability.

Extra Large Western Area Rugs
Rugs with Western Brands
Western Decorating Magazine
Western Decorating Magazine

We believe in doing right. Our workers receive fair wages and work in safe and well-maintained facilities. Our company maintains strict environmentally-friendly procedures to ensure we do not contribute waste to landfills. Our southwestern Rugs combine the beauty of American Southwest with the rugged charms of the cowboy. It is the perfect combination between luxury and comfort, style AND durability.

Western Bathroom Decor, Rugs

In the 1800s and 1700s, Hudson Bay-striped blankets were traded throughout America and Canada. The blankets have been mixed with industrial and contemporary elements in this bunk room to bring out the best of classic style. A rustic cowhide rugs, which are layered on top the carpeting, gives this room a Western-inspired personality.

Western Bathroom Decor, Rugs
All of our rugs are made to order and go through a rigorous inspection process. You can typically expect your rug to be shipped 2 weeks from when you make your purchase.
Yes! We can ship anywhere in the world. Please send us an email with your address before placing an order outside of the US and Canada though. We need to partially charge you for shipping when you place your order.
Yes, please let us know within 3 days from when you placed your order.
We accept all major credit or debit cards. You can also pay with your PayPal account.
Just send us an email with your order number and we’ll send you instructions.  We will give you a full refund within the first 60 days after your order ships out.  After that, we have to charge a 25% restocking fee. You are responsible for return shipping fees unless you are swapping for a different design or size.
As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email with tracking info and then following emails with shipping updates.
We find rug pads are not necessary to protect your flooring. However, some people choose to use rug pads to prevent their rug from sliding around.