Western Themed Rugs for Sale
Washable Western Rug
Each texture is unique and can complement different styles of rooms. A shaggy rug is perfect for rustic spaces, while a plush rug is great for modern loft spaces. When choosing the right texture for your western rug, keep in mind the room's colors. There are many things you need to know when buying a rug for your home. It is crucial to know which color and what material you should choose when buying a new rug. You can find a wide range of western rugs at different prices depending on their size, color and design. Western rugs are generally very affordable and come in many colors and designs.
Western Style Living Room Rugs
3. The oil for your cast iron skillet can be heated over the campfire. Use a spatula to coat the bottom. You should pour the batter into the skillet. Make sure that the batter is in an even layer. You can either cover the skillet with foil or use a lid to protect it.
Western Boot Rugs
A pair of smaller cube ottomans covered in a grid pattern fabric sit under a shell white curved-top console table just off a great room’s seating area. Large custom art by artist Celery Jones hangs above and brings the scenic Texas landscape inside. Cowboy boots add a quintessential Texan touch. A series of staircases stay connected to this house via open railings and stairwells. The bold red-and-black runner rug leads the eye through the space. This installation of vintage Bracero hats hangs in the stairway between the first and second floor of a Mexican-inspired restaurant. The display, paired with a rustic wood dresser and mounted metal horse heads, creates an overwhelming sense of authenticity. Braceros were Mexican laborers who worked fields particularly in California during WWII when American laborers were fighting overseas.

Woven Wool Table Rugs Western
A large buffalo print pillow and a graphic cushion in two turquoise shades are all you need to give this space a Western feel. In this bedroom that captures the colors of the Arizona desert at sunset, pops in pink, coral and yellow are a common feature. The space can grow with the little girl through shiplap walls as well as wood floors and neutral drapes.
Western Black and White
This two-story penthouse in Seattle is the second home of a couple who live in Los Angeles. The home's entry hall features 5-foot-long chainmaille chandeliers. A photo set featuring Bob Marley gives a glimpse at the rare art found throughout the home. Leanne Ford is an expert in creating interesting textural tableaus. This is a mid-century wooden cabinet that has been topped with a photograph and two sculptural items. It was featured on HGTV's "Restored by Fords". Samuel Design is proud to have given a 200-year old home in Old Santa Fe, New Mexico, a modern, clean look. But they don't want to sacrifice its authenticity. They kept the design simple, allowing the architecture's lines to guide them. The color palette was quiet and subtle, adding a few warm colors and rich textures through accessories and artwork.

Western Themed Area Rugs
You can choose from five sizes of our Texas Road Shitake and Austin Onyx rugs. Southwestern Rugs Depot has a variety of western rugs in a range of sizes and colors.
Western Themed Rugs for SaleHow Much Western Union Rate Today
There's no doubt that clothing and accessories are a huge part of the Western aesthetic, and they make excellent props when outfitting a room. Consider vintage-inspired lace dresses as decorative window treatments, and lay out turquoise and silver jewelry on a tray. It not only utilizes your bijoux as art, but makes for easy access when getting dressed in the morning. Vintage belts and hats add layered detail when strung over a mirror or chair, and cowboy boots look pretty when lined up underneath a fireplace or window.